
Aktieägare 31/12 – 2015

Aktieägare % andel
Solidium Oy       26,19   
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company         2,41   
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland        2,23   
State Pension Fund         1,20   
Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company         1,16   
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company        0,89   
Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company         0,73   
Evli Finnish Small Cap Mutual Fund         0,33   
SR Danske Invest Finnish Institutional Equity Fund         0,30   
OP Life Assurance Company Ltd.         0,25   
OP-Finland Small Firms Fund         0,22   
OP-Finland Value Fund        0,22   
Relander Harald Bertel         0,20   
Nominee accounts held by custodian banks       29,10   
Treasury shares        0,21   
Other shareholders      34,36